Jennifer’s career has always involved duties she excels at. Writing, communicating, and marketing have always been at the center of what she brings to the table. When Jennifer moved to Jacksonville, she expected to use that skillset at a new job. It did not turn out that way.
Her new career path went in a different direction from what she was suited for as she was asked to do a lot of fundraising. “It’s an awesome organization I was working for. They do a lot of great work for people who truly need help in this world. However, what I was asked to do went way outside of what I enjoy or am suited to accomplish.”
Eventually, Jennifer left her new position, which had brought her to northeast Florida. A little of the joy she experienced in life to help others had taken a hit.
At the same time, Jennifer served as President of the First Coast Conference in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. Think of it as the lead lay leader for the Jacksonville area of the Lutheran church, bringing together pastors and other lay leaders to help further the church's mission.
It was there that Jennifer met Pastor Sarah Locke. At this time, Pastor Sarah was beginning to revive Jacksonville Campus ministry. Jennifer got to hear firsthand Pastor Sarah’s plans to bring back JCM, which was close to shutting down. “I was heavily involved in campus ministry when I was in college at American University in D.C. Listening to Pastor Sarah’s plans made me think of that time in my life that meant so much. It was great to hear about what was happening, especially when I was so down after my last job had not worked out as I had hoped.”
Jennifer wanted to be involved in what was happening at UNF. After Pastor Sarah's arrival, she became one of the first new members of the Jacksonville Ministry board of directors. “My work on the board at JCM brought back a lot of joy in my life that had been sapped at the time. Seeing Pastor Sarah starting with virtually nothing and bringing it to its current point was inspiring.
I see how she is so protective of the students. She also emphasizes the quality of relationships vs. just pulling as many people as possible. She is in it for the students in an age that’s become so difficult for college students to maneuver through. I’m so glad I got to play a part in bringing Pastor Sarah’s vision to fruition. It restored a lot of joy in my life.”
Eventually, Jennifer was able to get another job that allowed her to return to doing what she does best in communications. While her current career path brought even more joy back into her life, it was working with Jacksonville Campus Ministry that gave her that first big positive step after experiencing a down time in life.
Your generosity to Jacksonville Campus Ministry helps Pastor Sarah draw more students into long-lasting and substantive relationships with each other and God. It will also certainly bring more joy into the lives of our young adults. Thank you for your generosity to this vital ministry to young adults.