
A new comm(unity) in Christ.


Jacksonville Campus Ministry (JCM) was founded in 1972 (and officially incorporated in 1974) by a coalition of churches and judicatories of six denominations – Christian (Disciples of Christ), Episcopal, Lutheran (ELCA), Presbyterian (PCUSA), United Church of Christ, and United Methodist. JaxCM's original mission was to serve all Jacksonville campuses. JCM is now in active partnership with congregations from seven denominations, including the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Now JCM is as an ecumenical ministry serving the University of North Florida and Jacksonville University. Throughout the years, the ministry has expanded and contracted with the ebb and flow of students and volunteers. 

In the summer of 2017, the board of Jacksonville Campus Ministry made the difficult decision to dissolve the campus ministry after interest had declined significantly. Blessedly, God had other plans! Sarah moved to Jacksonville with her pastor husband Daniel in October 2017. Pastor Sarah has extensive campus ministry experience and has a deep passion for young adults and the challenges and joys that come with campus ministry. In January 2018, the board voted not to dissolve the campus ministry and hire Sarah as the campus minister. Since 2018, our campus ministry has grown tremendously and we are excited to see where the next ten years bring us with God’s guidance and provision.

We welcome all who are seeking God’s love and grace. We welcome all because God welcomes all, regardless of race or culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or relationship status. We welcome all without regard to addictions, physical or mental health, imprisonment, socio-economic circumstances, or anything that too often divides us. Our unity is in Christ.

What we do: 

  • Every Tuesday we gather on the University of North Florida's campus to have a meal together and check in on how we are doing. We open with devotions, eat good food, and share in community together. Please check out our calendar to see when and where we will be gathering this fall. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to stay informed.

  • Many Wednesdays, you can find us at the UNF Student Union Plaza for Market Days. We sometimes have free popcorn or t-shirts, and sometimes we have free conversation. But you can always find us with a smile and practicing radical hospitality. We love chatting with you and encouraging you in your endeavors. Come see us!

  • Most folks in the LGBTQIA+ community know all of the “clobber” texts in the Bible… many of us have spent our whole lives defending ourselves against them. So what we’ll focus on are the expansive stories and verses of the Christian Bible… those places where God leaves the door wide open for a more beautiful and complete picture of God’s creation, in all of our forms and genders and expressions.

    See our calendar to know when we get together during the semester!

  • On Sunday mornings, Pastor Sarah visits and preaches at congregations in Jacksonville. We would love for you to join her and get plugged in to a worshiping community in town. See our calendar to see where she is preaching/visiting this week. 

  • Every fall we have a retreat, which is usually somewhere not too far away (around an hour away from campus) to get away from the hustle and bustle of everything. In the spring, we try to go on a spring break trip every year. We have gone anywhere from Germany to Asheville, NC.

  • You can find more information about our housing ministry for students in Jacksonville at the link here. We are so grateful to be able to provide affordable, safe, and inclusive housing to several students every year.

  • When we can't gather in person, we gather online! We share devotions, ask questions, and check in with one another throughout the week and over the summer when we can't gather regularly. Find our Facebook, Instagram, Discord, and Twitter pages for more information (click the links below)! 

  • We strive to equip students with the skills and confidence to lead in a ministry setting among their peers. This program usually lasts one year for each student and can be renewed.

Important Information about our Leadership

Get in touch

Have questions about campus ministry? Want to get connected? Have a student at Jacksonville University or University of North Florida?

Contact Pastor Sarah

Pastor Sarah (she/her) has a Master of Divinity degree from Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary. She was ordained into the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and serves as the UNF chaplain in the Episcopal Church.

Ministry interns:

Meet our ministry interns:

Ama DeLeon (she/her)

Sarah Lee Boyd (she/her)

Annaliese Trammel (she/him/they)

Sam Rakita (he/him)