How you can partner with us:
Little things with big impact…
Pray for the students, our campus minister, and the ministry
Invite our campus minister to preach at your congregation or give a talk about campus ministry
Provide a list of students you know who attend Jacksonville University and University of North Florida so we can connect with them
Provide a list of alumni from your congregation that may be interested in partnering with the ministry
Add Jacksonville Campus Ministry as your charity of choice on Amazon Smile.
Stay on, or add yourself to our mailing list so we can keep you updated on what is happening at Jacksonville Campus Ministry (do that by filling out this form)
Bigger things with huge impact...
Adopt a student-- send notes, gifts cards, or gift boxes for students each year
Serve on the board for Jacksonville Campus Ministry
Provide a meal for students once or twice a semester
Come visit us during Bible study or informally on campus
Donate money or ask your congregation to consider donating money to the ministry (donate online by clicking below)
Donate something from our "ministry wish list" of resources and supplies (find it here!)
Remember: we aren't investing in campus ministry, we are investing in the young adults in our lives through campus ministry.
Click here to learn about our partners in ministry.